St Wilfrid’s Hospice Donations Reach £32,000

We are delighted to report that St Wilfrid’s Hospice has advised us that the amount raised to date by the puzzle table at Eastbourne and District Indoor Bowls Club has reached an incredible £32,000.

Originally a craft table started many years ago by a group of lady members who made greeting cards and sold them to club members to raise money for charity the table has become a well established feature in the Club where members can buy or hire jigsaw puzzles, books etc., Payment is by using an honesty box, the proceeds of which are donated to St Wilfrid’s. The table, pictured below, is organised these days by Marion and Malcolm Livesey who ensure there is a range of items donated by members for sale or hire.

The table remains very popular with Club members and continues to provide a steady stream of donations to support this vital local charity. As a result Eastbourne and District Indoor Bowls Club are now an official Bronze partner of St Wilfrid’s Hospice. The Partner scheme is open to businesses and organisations who pledge to raise money for St Wilfrid’s annually and the Club is proud to be joining this scheme.

A big, big thank you to all Club members, past and present, for your continued support of this wonderful charity.

St Wilfrid’s Hospice will also be our Captain’s Charity for the new season 2024/25

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