Dear Members
I am writing this message to appeal to you to pay your full subscription for the 2020/21 season whether you intend to return to the club in October or not until a vaccine for Covid-19 has been found.
Like all businesses we have ongoing costs and still want to invest in the future of the club. Now is not the time, I believe, in offering discounts or rebates but hopefully when “normal service” is resumed the club may be able to do something to recognise the support of its’ members.
We will have a much better idea of our financial position going forward when we know the level of subscription income. It is quite clear we will have no or very little income from other normal revenue sources for the foreseeable future.
Club matches, social functions, room rental and private functions that have raised revenue to support the club finances are unlikely to happen for some time.
This is an extremely challenging time for the club and we all want to see it survive and prosper and be in a secure financial state for the years ahead. Full subscriptions will allow the Management Committee to invest where possible so that our facilities and levels of service are maintained.
The Management Committee really does appreciate the continued support and loyalty of its’ members during this difficult period but do know that the right course of action will pay dividends in the future. It is, I believe, the only realistic course of action for the clubs continued success, enabling the club to bounce back from this terrible pandemic.
Both the Bowls and Management Committees are planning ahead to provide both bowling and social opportunities for the new season. Matches and some external competitions may not take place at this time and social events will be scaled down in numbers attending, ensuring that social distancing is adhered to.
Stay safe and I look forward to seeing you all in the club soon.
Dave Parks
11th September 2020